About Andrew Meehan

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So far Andrew Meehan has created 8 blog entries.

The legal apprenticeship – is it benefitting the legal profession?

Recent years have seen some aspiring legal professionals deviate from the traditional path into the industry. Previously, those wanting to work in the legal sector required a university education and appropriate post-graduate training. Nowadays, there are a number of different avenues open to those wanting to become solicitors. The legal apprenticeship is one such option. ...

2021-06-08T11:48:31+01:00June 8th, 2021|News|

6 early steps you should take before divorce

When you are preparing for divorce the things you do in the first few weeks can have a huge impact on your financial future. That’s why it’s important to take advice before you make any decisions that could affect your long-term position. …

Dividing pensions on divorce: How to choose the right option

There are three different ways to deal with pensions on divorce.  Pension attachment orders, pension sharing orders and offsetting.  It’s important to choose the right option for your circumstances or you may lose out financially.  Therefore, we have put a helpful guide below to help you understand more about these different options. …

2020-01-17T13:29:26+00:00January 17th, 2020|Divorce, Divorce and money, Pensions|
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