
Working through the pain of divorce

Love hurts, but so does divorce. No one enters a marriage assuming that everything will end in divorce or separation. And while some divorces are perfectly amicable, for others, divorce proceedings can be incredibly painful.  When a relationship ends, many feelings come up. Here are some tips for working through this transition period and looking ...

2024-10-07T14:32:47+01:00October 7th, 2024|Divorce|

Second marriage: your legal and financial checklist

If you’ve decided to get married for a second (or subsequent) time, then this is absolutely cause for celebration. Finding another person you want to commit to is fantastic and a real signal that you’re ready for a new life ahead. However, depending on your experience in your previous relationship, you might find yourself approaching ...

2024-10-07T13:42:25+01:00October 7th, 2024|Pre-nups|

How can a new relationship affect your divorce?

If you’re separated from your spouse, you might be moving on in any number of ways. A new partner and relationship may well be one of them.  Whether you’re recently separated, have been living apart from your spouse for some time, or are in the middle of divorce proceedings, it’s a good idea to understand ...

2024-09-29T14:41:33+01:00September 29th, 2024|Cohabitation, Divorce, Relationships|

3 types of narcissist: what they are and how to spot them

At Harrogate Family Law, we specialise in supporting individuals divorcing or separating from narcissistic partners. The breakdown of any relationship can bring a whole host of difficult emotions, but dealing with a narcissist can make the whole thing more complicated.  The first step in navigating a separation or divorce from a narcissist is to recognise ...

2024-08-22T09:30:31+01:00August 28th, 2024|Narcissist Divorce|

DARVO: understanding how narcissists avoid accountability

Throughout my career, I’ve always been clear that being a solicitor is about more than providing expert legal advice to clients. Of course, this is a massive part of what we do as legal practitioners as clients navigate their separation or divorce.  But the job has never stopped there.  Solicitors must also understand what their ...

2024-08-22T09:02:17+01:00August 22nd, 2024|Narcissist Divorce|

5 benefits of working with a divorce coach

Ensuring you get the best support at every step of the divorce process can make all the difference. And we’re not just talking about getting the right outcome for you and your financial future; we’re also talking about your ability to bounce back with a happy and positive mindset as you start to build a ...

2024-08-08T10:35:21+01:00August 8th, 2024|Divorce|

The additional considerations of divorcing in later life

Whilst divorce at any age can be a traumatic and unsettling experience, those who come to this decision later in life can often face some additional and unique challenges.  In this week’s blog, we’re exploring some of the factors that need to be considered when looking to the future as an older divorcee, from the ...

2024-07-29T14:16:29+01:00July 29th, 2024|Divorce, Pensions|

Protecting a family business in the event of a divorce

For many couples, the ending of a marriage can result in many worries about the future. When there’s a family business to consider, this can add an additional layer of complexity to the financial negotiations.   As more people marry later in life, it’s not unusual for one or both spouses to come into a marriage ...

2024-07-09T11:07:36+01:00July 9th, 2024|Businesses|

General Election 2024 – what changes could we see to family law?

As we approach the 2024 general election, the country is full of anticipation, wondering what changes might be in store. For us as solicitors, it will be interesting to see what, if any, changes are afoot for family law.   For many observers, law reform transcends party politics. It's about enacting changes that will benefit society ...

2024-07-02T12:08:43+01:00July 2nd, 2024|Law changes|

Same-sex marriage – 10 years on

This year, on 29 March 2024, marks ten years since the first same-sex marriage took place in England and Wales.  The passing of the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013 was the result of the tireless efforts of LGBTQ+ campaigners to ensure that same-sex couples have the same rights and protections in law as those ...

2024-06-18T10:46:34+01:00June 18th, 2024|Gay marriage, Same-sex couples|
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