About Carly Chaffer

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So far Carly Chaffer has created 14 blog entries.

Does conduct matter during divorce?

As a family law firm, this is a question we get asked a lot. It can be very hard for clients who feel that they’ve been treated badly or unfairly to understand that in the majority of cases, the negative conduct of their spouse has no bearing on the outcome of their divorce.  So, what ...

2022-08-30T09:15:52+01:00September 5th, 2022|Divorce|

How we’ve built a family law firm with clients at the centre

At Harrogate Family Law, our clients come first. Every piece of advice we give, and every action we take, has our clients interests firmly at the centre. Everything we do is geared toward making sure our clients get the outcome they deserve.  Choosing a solicitor to help you through difficult circumstances can feel overwhelming, whether ...

2021-10-04T15:10:27+01:00October 4th, 2021|Family law, News|

Parental alienation – what you need to know 

The discussion around ‘parental alienation’ and its impact has become a feature of many family law matters in recent years.  Here we’re taking a closer look at the theory of parental alienation; what it is, why it’s problematic and the impact it can have on families. What is parental alienation? Parental alienation doesn’t have a ...

2021-09-28T07:16:20+01:00September 28th, 2021|Parental Alienation|

Being single after divorce: our top tips

Being single after a marriage or long-term relationship can seem like a daunting prospect.  To go from sharing your life with another person, to being on your own, is a big adjustment. It can take some getting used to. Here at Harrogate family law, we’re always trying to help our clients look to the future. ...

2021-09-19T08:36:41+01:00September 20th, 2021|Divorce, Family law|

5 myths about family solicitors

Family solicitors have had their fair share of attention in the world of Hollywood and television dramas. And while many of us enjoy a dramatic court-room scene on our TV screens, they’ve done nothing to correct the preconceptions about the profession that are already in existence.   In this week’s blog, we’re bringing things back to ...

2021-09-16T14:35:43+01:00September 14th, 2021|Divorce and money, Family law|

Is there such a thing as a wasted application to court?

Family court has faced an unprecedented increase in workload since the beginning of the pandemic, and legal professionals are beginning to feel the strain. HHJ Wildblood explained the Bristol Family Court court has had 1.5 times the number of outstanding private law cases since January. Now, more than ever, clients need to do all they ...

2021-08-26T08:22:25+01:00August 30th, 2021|News|

False allegations during family law proceedings

According to the Crime Survey for England and Wales, 2.3 million adults aged between 16 - 24 years, are estimated to have experienced domestic abuse between March 2019 and March 2020. This is a shocking statistic.  Looking at this from a family law perspective, it’s really important that victims aren’t discouraged from coming forward. But ...

2021-08-23T14:58:21+01:00August 23rd, 2021|Family law|

Common law spouse – why there’s no such thing and what you need to know

According to a survey carried out by The Office of National Statistics, two-thirds of cohabiting couples were under the impression that ‘common law marriage’ exists. They believed that if their relationship came to an end, the financial considerations would be dealt with in the same way as those of a married couple. However, that’s not ...

2021-08-18T09:29:08+01:00August 18th, 2021|News|

5 signs you’re suffering from narcissistic abuse

It’s not always easy to spot the signs of a narcissistic relationship. That’s because being with a narcissistic partner can distort your sense of reality, making it difficult to recognise the abuse. The behaviour isn’t always obvious, and the impact it has can be very subtle, leaving you unsure of what’s acceptable and what isn’t.  ...

2021-08-06T13:24:06+01:00August 9th, 2021|Narcissist Divorce|
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