About Jenni Moulson

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So far Jenni Moulson has created 54 blog entries.

How to get the divorce process started

Take early advice from a specialist The sooner you can see a specialist family lawyer, the better. Each decision you make could have an impact on your future. Before the divorce process can get underway, their priority will be to protect you financially. They will make sure you have enough money to pay your bills. ...

2020-09-04T12:36:08+01:00September 4th, 2020|Divorce, Divorce and money, Uncategorised|

My ex is turning the kids against me

When parents separate it is important that the children continue to have a good relationship with both parents.  Whilst you may find it hard to get on with your ex, the two of you will always be your children’s parents. …

2020-08-24T11:51:50+01:00August 24th, 2020|Children, Family law|

Staying friends with your ex; is it really possible? Read our co-parenting tips.

When a relationship breaks down, communicating with your ex might seem an impossibility. It depends on individual circumstances and the reasons for separating, of course, but some people do manage to maintain an amicable working relationship. The Duke and Duchess of York are perhaps one of the best-known couples who have remained friends despite divorcing ...

2020-07-10T17:01:56+01:00July 10th, 2020|Divorce|
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