About Jenni Moulson

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So far Jenni Moulson has created 54 blog entries.

I’m divorced so my money is safe now. Right? Wrong.

A common misconception in divorce is that a financial claim cannot be made once a Decree Absolute has been granted. In reality there is no limitation period for bringing a financial claim after divorce and there have been a number of very high-profile cases recently where financial claims have been brought many years after the ...

2019-02-14T09:23:58+00:00January 21st, 2019|Businesses, Disclosure, Divorce, Divorce and money, Money|

The Case For No Fault Divorce

There is a growing consensus among many family law specialists that couples should be allowed to divorce without having to apportion blame to one party. Under the current law enacted in 1973, unless couples have been separated for two years, it’s necessary under the current system to cite unreasonable behaviour or adultery for the marital ...

2018-08-15T13:54:52+01:00March 12th, 2018|Divorce, Family law, Law changes|
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