3 difficulties of co-parenting with a narcissist

Typically, narcissistic people are characterised as very self-centred, lacking in empathy and in need of constant admiration. However, narcissism can display itself differently from person to person, which can be difficult for partners or former partners to navigate, particularly if they’re trying to co-parent.  No matter how narcissism presents itself, attempts to co-parent with a ...

2022-12-06T09:43:58+00:00December 6th, 2022|Children, Narcissist Divorce|

Child arrangements – do the kids get a say?

Depending on your circumstances, going through a divorce or separation can bring any number of challenges. And if you’ve got children, there are additional considerations that you’ll have to plan for when it comes to the future.  Going through a divorce with children can be tough. Making the decisions about who they’ll live with, how ...

2022-11-01T12:36:19+00:00November 1st, 2022|Children, Divorce|

Top tips for child arrangements at Christmas

For many people, this Christmas will be the first since their divorce or separation. As a family solicitor, helping clients deal with disputes about child arrangements throughout the year is a big part of my job. And I know only too well that Christmas can be a tricky time.  Client’s often struggle with the thought ...

2022-10-18T10:38:58+01:00October 18th, 2022|Children, Divorce|

Can I take my children abroad now that I’m divorced or separated?

As the summer season approaches, thoughts of recharging with a holiday abroad may not be far from your mind. If you’re divorced or separated, considerations around managing arrangements for the children can certainly cause stress and anxiety. This is especially true if your situation is contentious and emotions are running high. However, with early planning and ...

2022-06-21T09:40:16+01:00June 21st, 2022|Children, Divorce|

How to adjust to life as a single parent

Life after divorce can be difficult. If you’ve got children, the transition from being part of a couple raising them under the same roof to being a single parent is big.  You might be the children’s primary carer, share their time equally with your ex-partner, or share their quality time on weekends and holidays. Whatever ...

2022-04-07T08:56:33+01:00April 7th, 2022|Children, Divorce, Family law, Relationships|

4 things to consider during a divorce

Deciding that you want a divorce is one of the biggest life decisions you can make. For some, it's a painful time that's full of disruption. For others, it's a positive step leading to a more enjoyable future. Either way, there are a number of things to consider when you embark on divorce proceedings. As ...

2022-03-28T16:58:08+01:00March 7th, 2022|Children, Divorce|
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