Worried about the cost of legal fees on your divorce? Here is our toolkit so you can stay in control.

You are not alone: almost everyone worries about legal fees.  We understand that no one wants additional stress in what is an already stressful situation when you are separating or divorcing. However, investing in very the best legal advice is the best investment you can make for your future.  There’s no point in you saving ...

2018-11-16T11:45:57+00:00November 14th, 2018|Divorce, Divorce and money, Money|

The Case For No Fault Divorce

There is a growing consensus among many family law specialists that couples should be allowed to divorce without having to apportion blame to one party. Under the current law enacted in 1973, unless couples have been separated for two years, it’s necessary under the current system to cite unreasonable behaviour or adultery for the marital ...

2018-08-15T13:54:52+01:00March 12th, 2018|Divorce, Family law, Law changes|

How divorce affects the family business

A family business will differ significantly from the treatment of other assets that are valued and shared during a divorce settlement. The business often provides the family with a certain standard of living and the business and financial security of both spouses can be put at risk if matters are not handled in the right ...

2018-09-06T18:04:54+01:00February 26th, 2018|Businesses, Divorce, Divorce and money|
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