Cryptocurrency – a new consideration for divorce?

In an ever evolving digital world, you wouldn’t necessarily consider the influence that changes in technology have over legal proceedings. However, it may surprise you to know that it plays a bigger role than you may think.  When it comes to technology, the law very often finds itself playing catch up, and the issue of ...

2022-10-25T17:11:05+01:00October 25th, 2022|Disclosure, Divorce, Money|

Top tips for child arrangements at Christmas

For many people, this Christmas will be the first since their divorce or separation. As a family solicitor, helping clients deal with disputes about child arrangements throughout the year is a big part of my job. And I know only too well that Christmas can be a tricky time.  Client’s often struggle with the thought ...

2022-10-18T10:38:58+01:00October 18th, 2022|Children, Divorce|

Does conduct matter during divorce?

As a family law firm, this is a question we get asked a lot. It can be very hard for clients who feel that they’ve been treated badly or unfairly to understand that in the majority of cases, the negative conduct of their spouse has no bearing on the outcome of their divorce.  So, what ...

2022-08-30T09:15:52+01:00September 5th, 2022|Divorce|

5 alternatives to going to court

If you’re embarking on divorce proceedings, the thought of going to court can be overwhelming. Your mind may immediately go to stress, expense and delay, when all you want to do is get the best possible outcome as soon as you possibly can.  Whilst court is sometimes the best option for some circumstances, there are ...

2022-08-11T09:31:07+01:00August 29th, 2022|Divorce, Mediation|

How a solicitor can help with an amicable divorce

Although divorce is often seen as the result of conflict, this is sometimes the wrong assumption to make.  The fact is that in some cases, marriage comes to an end because a couple has grown apart. There’s no bad feeling and no desire to appoint blame. And even if there is blame to be had, ...

2022-08-11T09:04:17+01:00August 22nd, 2022|Divorce|

5 ways you might be dealing with financial infidelity

Trust and openness are essential to any healthy relationship. That applies to anything you might have to deal with as a couple, including money. Whilst we’re all familiar with the concept of infidelity, financial infidelity is something you may not consider when it comes to your relationship. Financial infidelity can range from excessive spending to accumulating ...

2022-07-05T09:15:30+01:00July 5th, 2022|Divorce, Divorce and money|

Can I take my children abroad now that I’m divorced or separated?

As the summer season approaches, thoughts of recharging with a holiday abroad may not be far from your mind. If you’re divorced or separated, considerations around managing arrangements for the children can certainly cause stress and anxiety. This is especially true if your situation is contentious and emotions are running high. However, with early planning and ...

2022-06-21T09:40:16+01:00June 21st, 2022|Children, Divorce|

5 signs that you might be ready for a divorce

Deciding to divorce can feel like a devastating conclusion to a relationship. But sometimes, it’s the best option for both parties. Whatever the reasons behind your decision, very often, there are a number of signs that might indicate that you’re ready for a divorce. So how can you tell when it’s time to end your marriage? Here ...

2022-06-08T08:30:41+01:00June 13th, 2022|Divorce|

3 frustrations about divorce and how to overcome them

Going through a divorce can be challenging. When you’re in the midst of a separation, it can be difficult to look ahead to the future. However, it’s important to remember that the situation isn’t forever and that more settled times lay ahead.  Here are three common frustrations you might be experiencing during your divorce and ...

2022-06-08T08:30:34+01:00June 8th, 2022|Divorce|

5 reasons why you should consider a prenuptial agreement

  It always pays to think about the future when you’re getting married. Whilst there’s nothing wrong with looking ahead to a happy life together with your spouse, there’s also the possibility that you’ll divorce at some point in the future, with over 100,000 couples having done so in 2020.  Because of statistics like these, ...

2022-05-23T14:08:38+01:00May 30th, 2022|Divorce, Pre-nups|
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