Divorcing a narcissist when children are involved

Living with a narcissist is emotionally exhausting. So once you’ve made the decision that you’re ready for a divorce, the prospect of what lies ahead can be both stressful and difficult. This is even more so if there are children involved.  This week, we’re taking a look at how you can navigate your divorce from ...

2021-07-19T10:03:56+01:00July 19th, 2021|Divorce, Narcissist Divorce|

5 top tips for separated parents

Separating can be a difficult time for the whole family, especially if children are involved. It’s a big change and for parents and children alike, it can take some time to adjust to.  But that’s not to say that parenting your children following a separation or divorce has to be acrimonious. Here are some of ...

2021-07-14T09:35:21+01:00July 14th, 2021|Children, Divorce|

The impact of Covid-19 on family life and relationships

The pandemic has affected every aspect of our lives. From the way we work and socialise, to how we think about what we want from the future.   One of the biggest impacts we’ve seen has been on personal relationships and family life in general. With national lockdown restrictions, homeschooling and home working, the family dynamic ...

2021-07-08T09:32:04+01:00July 8th, 2021|Children, Divorce|

What happens to gifts on divorce?

When a couple decides to divorce, the division of the assets and finances poses plenty of questions. What will happen to the family home? Where does the law stand with regard to pensions? And what happens to any gifts that were given to one another throughout the marriage and in happier times? Engagement rings, family ...

2021-06-28T08:37:23+01:00June 28th, 2021|Divorce, Divorce and money|

The No-Fault Divorce – the blame game is almost over

The no-fault divorce has been looming on the legal horizon for quite some time. When we wrote about this back in June 2014, no date had been set for the second reading of the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill. Fast forward a few years and the bill’s parliamentary journey is almost at its conclusion. Ministers ...

2021-06-10T14:18:09+01:00June 14th, 2021|Divorce|

Family court – 5 common myths debunked

The preconceptions around family court are numerous. When it comes to what happens in a courtroom, popular TV shows and countless films have done a wonderful job of evoking a sense of drama, but have done nothing to dispel myths or allay fears.  This week, we’re taking the opportunity to debunk some common myths about ...

2021-05-17T07:05:29+01:00May 17th, 2021|Children, Divorce, Narcissist Divorce|

How to minimise the impact of divorce on the children

Divorce takes an emotional toll on the whole family, especially in cases where conflict is high. When children are involved, the potential impact on them should never be overlooked. As parents, there are numerous ways in which you can minimise any negative impact on the children, and ensure that their well-being is a priority.  Let’s ...

2021-05-11T08:20:13+01:00May 11th, 2021|Children, Divorce|

The things you should never sacrifice for a relationship

Whilst it’s true that relationships involve compromise, boundaries also play their part when it comes to creating a healthy balance. There’s a big difference between compromising to ensure things are fair, and sacrificing the things that really matter to you. Relationships should never be one-sided. To be a success, both partners have to make the ...

2021-04-29T17:05:29+01:00April 29th, 2021|Divorce, Relationships|

The common mistakes people make during a divorce

Going through a divorce isn’t easy. And it’s for that very reason that getting legal advice is always a smart move. However, legal advice aside, there are a number of common mistakes people make when they embark on a divorce, and here we’re taking a look at just a few of them. Disrespecting your ex-partner ...

2021-04-19T06:45:46+01:00April 19th, 2021|Divorce|
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