4 types of toxic relationships and their warning signs

Although no two relationships are ever the same, and everybody’s experience is different, abusive relationships are often characterised by very similar red flags.   Due to the insidious nature of domestic abuse, victims often don’t realise how toxic their relationship is - especially when there’s more than one type of abusive behaviour at play. In this ...

2024-01-11T14:28:25+00:00March 28th, 2023|Emotional Abuse, Gaslighting, Narcissist Divorce, Stonewalling|

The damaging effect of coercive control

Coercive control can be very subtle and difficult to recognise, especially by the victims experiencing it.   In what was seen by many as a welcome decision, coercive control was made a criminal offence in 2015, meaning that the courts must now ‘prioritise consideration of whether a pattern of coercive and/or controlling behaviour is established over ...

2022-03-28T16:57:25+01:00November 22nd, 2021|Emotional Abuse, Family law|
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