What makes divorce complex?

Is there such a thing as a straightforward divorce?  Very often, separating couples have high hopes that their divorce will be simple, amicable and anything other than drawn out. In our experience however, that’s rarely the case. Even in the most non-contentious of circumstances, there are the inevitable bumps in the road. It’s just one ...

2024-03-12T13:04:44+00:00March 12th, 2024|Businesses, Divorce and money, International, Uncategorised|

Foreign assets in divorce

If you’re thinking about a divorce or separation, it might be that you have ‘complex’ financial matters to be dealt with. For example, pensions, businesses and high net worth assets. You might also have assets and capital that are located in another country.  Foreign assets can very often add another layer of complexity to proceedings. ...

2022-11-24T17:03:09+00:00November 24th, 2022|Divorce, International|

6 early steps you should take before divorce

When you are preparing for divorce the things you do in the first few weeks can have a huge impact on your financial future. That’s why it’s important to take advice before you make any decisions that could affect your long-term position. …

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