Let’s talk about pensions and divorce

Whether in the context of divorce or not, understanding the nature and importance of pensions can feel overwhelming, confusing and stressful. During a divorce, the complexities associated with pensions can be even more pronounced, so much so that many clients overlook them and instead focus on retaining the more physical, tangible assets like the family ...

2024-12-08T17:29:52+00:00December 8th, 2024|Pensions|

The additional considerations of divorcing in later life

Whilst divorce at any age can be a traumatic and unsettling experience, those who come to this decision later in life can often face some additional and unique challenges.  In this week’s blog, we’re exploring some of the factors that need to be considered when looking to the future as an older divorcee, from the ...

2024-07-29T14:16:29+01:00July 29th, 2024|Divorce, Pensions|

DIY divorce and pensions – beware the pitfalls

It's no surprise that more and more separating couples are tempted to try their hand at the ‘DIY divorce’. Who wouldn’t want to try to save time and money right? Whilst doing things yourself  may seem appealing, unfortunately this worrying trend isn’t as simple as it might appear to be.   We’re not suggesting that couples ...

2022-10-05T10:31:18+01:00October 5th, 2022|Pensions|

6 early steps you should take before divorce

When you are preparing for divorce the things you do in the first few weeks can have a huge impact on your financial future. That’s why it’s important to take advice before you make any decisions that could affect your long-term position. …

Dividing pensions on divorce: How to choose the right option

There are three different ways to deal with pensions on divorce.  Pension attachment orders, pension sharing orders and offsetting.  It’s important to choose the right option for your circumstances or you may lose out financially.  Therefore, we have put a helpful guide below to help you understand more about these different options. …

2020-01-17T13:29:26+00:00January 17th, 2020|Divorce, Divorce and money, Pensions|
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