Divorce amid rising interest rates – what are the options?

The cost of living crisis has continued to affect both families and individuals on a daily basis. With increased food, energy and property costs, many people have found themselves forced to cut back on their spending.  But the cost of living crisis isn’t simply limited to the day-to-day running of households. For couples who are ...

2024-01-30T17:48:54+00:00October 3rd, 2023|Divorce, Money, Property|

How do the courts split the assets during a divorce?

When it comes to divorce, the division of the assets and finances is often the most contentious issue. Negotiating who gets what, how much, and for how long isn’t always straightforward, particularly if there’s a family home, a business, or complex pensions to consider.  Sometimes, it’s not possible to reach an agreement without the intervention ...

2024-01-11T12:35:59+00:00July 10th, 2023|Divorce and money, Money, Property|

4 things to consider about property in divorce

Divorce can be complex, particularly if there are assets and finances involved. What will happen to the family home or any other properties you own with your spouse is a common source of worry. Before making any decisions, having independent expert legal advice is crucial.  Let’s look at some of the things you’ll need to ...

2022-05-09T15:41:15+01:00May 16th, 2022|Divorce, Property|
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