
Will I have to pay maintenance on a divorce?

It very much depends on your situation. There are two kinds of maintenance. The first kind is maintenance for the benefit of any children of the family – this is known as “child maintenance”. The second type is maintenance for the benefit of a spouse – this is known as “spousal maintenance”. The starting point ...

2020-06-10T12:52:09+01:00June 10th, 2020||

Aren’t assets just split equally on a divorce?

In general terms, there is now a presumption that assets will be divided equally if this is fair. However, there are many different factors can affect whether or not this would be a fair outcome. There are many circumstances in which a 50:50 division might not be appropriate. This may not be fair, for example, if: ...

2020-06-10T12:51:06+01:00June 10th, 2020||
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