Is mediation compulsory by law?

No. For many people mediation can be the right approach, but it is not suitable for everyone. You have to trust your spouse or partner to be open and honest, especially in producing financial information. You also have to feel safe in the mediation process, so it is rarely appropriate if there is any domestic ...

2020-06-10T13:04:26+01:00June 10th, 2020||

What is family arbitration?

Family arbitration is a fairly new kind of dispute resolution suitable for divorce cases and is an alternative to court proceedings. It involves providing a neutral person (called a “family arbitrator”) with the relevant facts, evidence and the views of you and your spouse as to what you each think the outcome should be. The ...

2020-06-10T13:04:06+01:00June 10th, 2020||

Do I need a solicitor to negotiate for me?

When you separate, emotions can run high and it is all too easy to let these cloud your decision-making process. It is important to get legal advice so that you understand what the issues are, what your rights are, and how best to sort things out. You will be unlikely to have experienced divorce before ...

2020-06-10T13:03:48+01:00June 10th, 2020||

What is mediation?

Mediation is a way of sorting out the issues when you separate. A mediator is a neutral, independent person who will help you identify and resolve any issues. They will try to make sure that your discussions with your spouse are constructive and that each of you is able to have your say. A mediator ...

2020-06-10T13:03:17+01:00June 10th, 2020||
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