HFL Once Again Recognised for Excellence

Harrogate Family Law and Andrew Meehan, its Managing Director, have been ranked as leaders in the field by top legal authority Chambers UK. The announcement comes following the completion of research for the Chambers UK 2019 guide ahead of its publication in the autumn. Andrew Meehan, who founded Harrogate Family Law in 2010, said he ...

2018-08-15T14:04:40+01:00July 2nd, 2018|Harrogate Family Law, News|

HFL Leads the Field in Family Law

Harrogate Family Law has been ranked as a leader in its field by Chambers UK 2018, a top authority on the legal profession. The announcement comes following the completion of research for the Chambers UK 2018 guide ahead of its publication in the autumn. …

2018-08-15T13:43:00+01:00August 11th, 2017|Harrogate Family Law, News|
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