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So far Laura Mounsey has created 48 blog entries.

4 things to consider about property in divorce

Divorce can be complex, particularly if there are assets and finances involved. What will happen to the family home or any other properties you own with your spouse is a common source of worry. Before making any decisions, having independent expert legal advice is crucial.  Let’s look at some of the things you’ll need to ...

2022-05-09T15:41:15+01:00May 16th, 2022|Divorce, Property|

The 3 stages of a narcissistic relationship

Narcissists share specific characteristics, for example, a feeling of heightened superiority, entitlement, and lack of empathy towards others. When it comes to their behaviour,  they’re likely to avoid any sense of accountability and may well exploit your vulnerability.  Most narcissistic relationships follow a pattern, often made up of three key phases. It can be difficult ...

2022-04-11T09:28:39+01:00April 11th, 2022|Narcissist Divorce|

How to adjust to life as a single parent

Life after divorce can be difficult. If you’ve got children, the transition from being part of a couple raising them under the same roof to being a single parent is big.  You might be the children’s primary carer, share their time equally with your ex-partner, or share their quality time on weekends and holidays. Whatever ...

2022-04-07T08:56:33+01:00April 7th, 2022|Children, Divorce, Family law, Relationships|

3 Challenges of Divorcing with a Business

Self-employment has been a growing trend in the UK for some time now. As of January 2022, there were approximately 4.19 million self-employed workers in the UK, many of whom will be at the helm of successful businesses.  But what happens during a divorce when there's a business involved?* Here, we take a look at ...

2022-03-28T16:58:03+01:00March 21st, 2022|Divorce, Divorce and money|

4 things to consider during a divorce

Deciding that you want a divorce is one of the biggest life decisions you can make. For some, it's a painful time that's full of disruption. For others, it's a positive step leading to a more enjoyable future. Either way, there are a number of things to consider when you embark on divorce proceedings. As ...

2022-03-28T16:58:08+01:00March 7th, 2022|Children, Divorce|

How being in a narcissistic relationship can change you

Narcissistic relationships are very powerful things, and not in a good way. Once you’ve recognised the signs and made the decision to leave, the effects of the abuse are long-lasting. They don’t simply disappear overnight.  Here, we’re taking a look at some of the changes you might see in your own personality, and the way ...

2022-03-28T16:58:13+01:00February 28th, 2022|Divorce, Narcissist Divorce|

Compulsory mediation- an ongoing discussion

As Justice secretary Dominic Raab continues his campaign to prevent up to half of family law cases reaching the courts, the issue of mediation remains firmly under the spotlight. With many courts across the UK dealing with a backlog of cases (a problem exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic), the discussion of making mediation the default ...

2022-03-28T16:58:20+01:00February 23rd, 2022|Family law, Mediation|

Why is marriage on the decline?

According to the ONS, the number of opposite-sex marriages in 2021 was the biggest decline in several decades, falling by 47% since 1972.  These figures represent a long-term decline in the number of people choosing to get married, but what’s behind the change in attitude? Let’s take a look.  A symptom of the pandemic? Some ...

2022-03-28T16:58:25+01:00February 14th, 2022|Family law|
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