How much does a pre-nup cost?

The cost of a pre-nup will depends on various factors, such as: How complex the pre-nup is likely to be in terms of what types of asset you are trying to protect The complexity of your asset base – if there are trusts or business assets then expert help may be needed in the form of trust ...

2020-06-10T13:02:54+01:00June 10th, 2020||

What is a post-nuptial agreement?

A post-nuptial agreement (also called a post-nup) is designed to decide what should happen to each spouse’s assets on divorce, just like a pre-nup. However, a post-nup is entered into by you when you are already married, whereas a pre-nup is done before the wedding. A post-nup can be a good thing to consider if ...

2020-06-10T13:02:03+01:00June 10th, 2020||

How soon do I need to get a pre-nup?

Ideally, a pre-nuptial agreement should be discussed and agreed well before your marriage takes place. You and your future spouse should each have the benefit of legal advice and disclose details of your respective financial positions to each other. The pre-nup should also be signed well before your wedding day – we recommend that it’s ...

2020-06-10T13:01:39+01:00June 10th, 2020||
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