About Katie Glover

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So far Katie Glover has created 73 blog entries.

What does a narcissist look like?

We might joke about someone being a bit of a narcissist if they come across as vain and obsessed with their appearance but true narcissistic personality disorder is serious and can be highly toxic in a relationship. …

2020-04-30T17:17:18+01:00April 30th, 2020|Divorce, Relationships|

6 survival tips for living in lockdown during divorce

Coronavirus lockdown has put plans on hold for millions of us, from family holidays to house moves, but the impact is particularly challenging for those who were in the middle of divorce. Whether you were about to sell the family home to facilitate life apart or had only just started talking about going your separate ...

2020-04-22T14:16:07+01:00April 22nd, 2020|Divorce, Divorce and money|

5 steps to get divorced the right way

Is there really a right or wrong way to divorce? People who have been through a split will often tell you that there are things they wish they’d done differently which, with hindsight, would have made the whole process so much easier on them and their family. …

2020-04-17T17:06:39+01:00April 17th, 2020|Divorce, Divorce and money|
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