How to pay your divorce costs

The cost of seeking expert legal advice can be such a concern for some people that they delay going to a solicitor until they absolutely have to. This is completely understandable, particularly at a time when your future financial security is so uncertain.  But the issue of how you pay your divorce costs is something ...

2019-11-29T13:25:52+00:00November 29th, 2019|Divorce, Divorce and money, Money|

Surviving divorce

Divorce is not an easy thing for anyone to go through.  It may often feel like you are barely surviving, let alone thriving.  We understand how difficult it can be to see the light at the end of the tunnel but there are a number of ways you can help yourself move forward. ...

2019-10-25T09:41:57+01:00October 25th, 2019|Divorce, Divorce and money|
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