Surviving divorce

Divorce is not an easy thing for anyone to go through.  It may often feel like you are barely surviving, let alone thriving.  We understand how difficult it can be to see the light at the end of the tunnel but there are a number of ways you can help yourself move forward. ...

2019-10-25T09:41:57+01:00October 25th, 2019|Divorce, Divorce and money|

DIY Divorce or Solicitors?

Have you considered doing your divorce yourself?  Lots of people have.  In today’s world, where there is so much information online, it has arguably never been easier.  With technological advances it is easy to see why people can feel empowered to get a divorce without the need for legal support.  However, is that a good ...

2019-10-04T10:42:38+01:00October 4th, 2019|Divorce, Family law|

Can you negotiate with a narcissist?

Are you married to a narcissist?  Are you trying to divorce one?  A key step in any divorce is negotiation, whether that be over who gets to keep the TV, to what happens to the family home, to who will care for the children.  Everything needs to be negotiated.  But what happens when your ex ...

2019-09-13T15:40:53+01:00September 13th, 2019|Divorce, Divorce and money|
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