About Katie Glover

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So far Katie Glover has created 73 blog entries.

With legal aid drastically cut back, Harrogate Family Law are delighted to be supporting a national, not-for-profit social enterprise working to provide accessible support to families through the difficulties of separation and divorce.

Harrogate Family Law are delighted to have contributed to 101 Questions Answered About Separating with Children, a new book to help separating parents keep their children’s best interests first. Harrogate Family Law are a long-term supporter of the social enterprise OnlyMums & OnlyDads and are a member of their Family Law Panel. …

2019-02-04T10:24:50+00:00February 4th, 2019|Children, Divorce, Family law, Pitfalls|

Worried about the cost of legal fees on your divorce? Here is our toolkit so you can stay in control.

You are not alone: almost everyone worries about legal fees.  We understand that no one wants additional stress in what is an already stressful situation when you are separating or divorcing. However, investing in very the best legal advice is the best investment you can make for your future.  There’s no point in you saving ...

2018-11-16T11:45:57+00:00November 14th, 2018|Divorce, Divorce and money, Money|
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