What does a narcissist look like?

We might joke about someone being a bit of a narcissist if they come across as vain and obsessed with their appearance but true narcissistic personality disorder is serious and can be highly toxic in a relationship. …

2020-04-30T17:17:18+01:00April 30th, 2020|Divorce, Relationships|

7 common myths and misconceptions about pre-nups

Admittedly, a pre-nup is not the most romantic item on a wedding plan. In fact, it’s quite possible that it doesn’t feature on your to do list at all. Why? Perhaps it’s because you’re worried it will spoil the romance. Or, maybe you think pre-nups only apply to people with loads of money. ...

2020-02-17T16:17:33+00:00February 17th, 2020|Money, Pre-nups, Relationships|

6 Tips for dating after divorce

Dating after divorce is both a daunting and exciting prospect.  Chances are you have been out of the dating game for a while and it has changed!  In a world of online dating, dating apps and social media it may seem like no one has “chance encounters” anymore and establishing yourself in this new world ...

2019-08-16T09:57:56+01:00August 16th, 2019|Divorce, Relationships|

Is your partner cheating on you?

Are you worried that your partner may have strayed?  We have put together some of the common signs that may lead you to question your partner’s fidelity.  Whilst these traits are common in people cheating or hiding something, it does not necessarily mean that they are and should not be taken as proof alone. ...

2019-08-09T10:58:18+01:00August 9th, 2019|Relationships|
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