How to Cope with the Grief of Divorce

The grief felt during and after divorce is often compared to that of bereavement and is said to follow the same pattern, known as the seven stages of separation. We have helped many, many people through this transition. They found it helpful to understand what can happen at each stage and that what they are ...

2020-08-14T16:28:05+01:00August 14th, 2020|Divorce, Relationships, Tips|

6 early steps you should take before divorce

When you are preparing for divorce the things you do in the first few weeks can have a huge impact on your financial future. That’s why it’s important to take advice before you make any decisions that could affect your long-term position. …

How to deal with your parents splitting up

Don’t be surprised if the news that your parents are splitting up hits you harder than you expect. They are your mum and dad and no matter how old you are, it won’t be easy for you to watch them go their separate ways. Teenagers can find it particularly hard to cope with the emotional ...

2020-05-15T16:37:09+01:00May 15th, 2020|Divorce, Family law, Tips|
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