I’m unhappy in my marriage; what are my options?

This year’s International Day of Happiness centres around the idea of connection with others. And when it comes to connections, your marriage should be one of the most important in your life.  But what happens when you suspect that it’s not working for you? How can you be sure that a separation is what you ...

2025-03-18T11:05:11+00:00March 18th, 2025|Divorce|

Is family law keeping up with modern life?

Modern families come in all shapes and sizes, and they all have different dynamics. From the legal rights of cohabiting couples and same-sex families to surrogacy and the rise of nuptial agreements, in this week’s blog we’re asking: is family law keeping up?    Legal rights for unmarried couples With the proportion of married couples falling ...

2025-03-09T22:15:49+00:00March 9th, 2025|Cohabitation, Family law, Pre-nups, Same-sex couples|

International Women’s Day: accelerated action in the law

This year’s International Women’s Day is all about accelerating action. Well, nothing says action like changing laws and legislation to make the world a better and fairer place.  In honour of this year’s IWD, we wanted to reflect on how far things have come for women in the last century regarding their legal rights. Spoiler ...

2025-03-06T09:29:22+00:00March 6th, 2025|Family law|

An introduction to parental laws as a same-sex couple

The route to parenthood looks different for every couple.  It can come as quite a surprise that just because someone intends to be there at every step of the parental journey, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll have legal rights as a parent.  As we come to the end of LGBTQ+ History Month, we’re exploring how ...

2025-02-26T22:20:25+00:00February 26th, 2025|Uncategorised|

Key developments in family law in 2024

With January now well out of the way, we’ve been looking to the year ahead here at Harrogate Family Law.  When it comes to change and its potential impact, 2024 was a pretty significant year for family law. It placed a number of things on the family law horizon that we’ll all need to consider ...

2025-02-11T12:44:38+00:00February 11th, 2025|Family law|

The Family Justice Council reveal their guidance on responding to child alienation behaviours

In December 2024, the Family Justice League unveiled their updated guidance on handling allegations of parental and child alienation. President of the Family Justice Council, Sir Andrew McFarlane, commented specifically on the need for this guidance:    ‘In my view, this guidance is required to ensure greater consistency of approach across the courts and to improve ...

2025-01-30T18:31:07+00:00January 30th, 2025|Parental Alienation|

How to prepare for mediation

In 2024, the government announced it wouldn’t be moving forward with proposals to make mediation compulsory for separating couples. However, far from being a carte blanche recommendation for those couples to resolve their differences in the courtroom, other changes ensured the message was clear: mediation must be considered before a case is taken to court.  ...

2025-01-29T08:17:38+00:00January 29th, 2025|Mediation|

The impact of addiction on a marriage

The Adult Substance Misuse Treatment Statistics 2022-2023 Report reported that nearly 300,000 adults in the UK were accessing some sort of addiction treatment service.  The challenges of addiction cannot be underestimated, both for the person going through it and for those around them. While some couples will be able to overcome these challenges together, for ...

2025-01-14T10:20:22+00:00January 14th, 2025|Relationships|

2024 – A year of success for Harrogate Family Law

2024 has been another fantastic year of growth for us at Harrogate Family Law. Our team has achieved a lot this year - personally and professionally, and we can’t wait to see what 2025 has in store for our firm.  As we prepare to enjoy the New Year celebrations, we first want to reflect on ...

2024-12-23T13:30:11+00:00December 23rd, 2024|Harrogate Family Law|
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