Dividing pensions on divorce: How to choose the right option

There are three different ways to deal with pensions on divorce.  Pension attachment orders, pension sharing orders and offsetting.  It’s important to choose the right option for your circumstances or you may lose out financially.  Therefore, we have put a helpful guide below to help you understand more about these different options. …

2020-01-17T13:29:26+00:00January 17th, 2020|Divorce, Divorce and money, Pensions|

5 steps to a debt free divorce

When you are going through a divorce, it is easy to focus on assets such as the family home and forget about how you are going to deal with loans, credit card balances and other outstanding debts. You or your ex may even owe money that the other doesn’t know about. …

2019-12-18T12:33:46+00:00December 18th, 2019|Divorce, Money, Pitfalls|

Is social media destroying your relationship? (Part 2)

No matter where you look social media is impacting on most people’s ways of life.  Whilst it is certainly an effective way to keep in touch with people, could social media be negatively impacting on your relationship?  Following on from our last blog which you can read here, we continue to explore this issue. ...

2019-12-16T13:42:10+00:00December 16th, 2019|Divorce|

My Ex Wants Custody of the Kids – What can I do?

When you’re going through divorce it is quite natural to be worried about how your relationship with your children might change and how much time you will be able to spend together in future. You might also be afraid of losing contact with your children altogether. …

2019-12-13T16:16:33+00:00December 13th, 2019|Children, Divorce|
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