6 Tips for dating after divorce

Dating after divorce is both a daunting and exciting prospect.  Chances are you have been out of the dating game for a while and it has changed!  In a world of online dating, dating apps and social media it may seem like no one has “chance encounters” anymore and establishing yourself in this new world ...

2019-08-16T09:57:56+01:00August 16th, 2019|Divorce, Relationships|

Living together as an unmarried couple: A risky business!

More than 5.9 million people in the UK are choosing to live together without marrying making cohabiting families the fastest growing type of household.  More than half of cohabitees still believe they are protected under “common law marriage”.  However, this is a myth and few are aware that they have little or no legal protection ...

2019-08-12T09:53:28+01:00August 12th, 2019|Cohabitation, Family law|

Is your partner cheating on you?

Are you worried that your partner may have strayed?  We have put together some of the common signs that may lead you to question your partner’s fidelity.  Whilst these traits are common in people cheating or hiding something, it does not necessarily mean that they are and should not be taken as proof alone. ...

2019-08-09T10:58:18+01:00August 9th, 2019|Relationships|

Can you co-parent with a narcissist?

If you have been married to, and divorced a narcissist, you will be more than aware of their personality traits and the impact that has had on you.  But now you have removed yourself from that situation, how to you learn how to co-parent with them?  Is it even possible to co-parent with them?  In ...

2019-08-02T10:42:26+01:00August 2nd, 2019|Divorce, Divorce and money, Domestic abuse|

Carol Jessop: Ask me anything

Carol is a Partner here at Harrogate Family Law.  As a well-known family lawyer in North Yorkshire, she has recently taken the step to convert to a Solicitor after 25 years’ experience of being a Chartered Legal Executive. We managed to grab her for a quick coffee and chat to find out more about her ...

2019-08-02T10:42:54+01:00August 2nd, 2019|Harrogate Family Law|
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