
Can you co-parent with a narcissist?

If you have been married to, and divorced a narcissist, you will be more than aware of their personality traits and the impact that has had on you.  But now you have removed yourself from that situation, how to you learn how to co-parent with them?  Is it even possible to co-parent with them?  In ...

2019-08-02T10:42:26+01:00August 2nd, 2019|Divorce, Divorce and money, Domestic abuse|

Carol Jessop: Ask me anything

Carol is a Partner here at Harrogate Family Law.  As a well-known family lawyer in North Yorkshire, she has recently taken the step to convert to a Solicitor after 25 years’ experience of being a Chartered Legal Executive. We managed to grab her for a quick coffee and chat to find out more about her ...

2019-08-02T10:42:54+01:00August 2nd, 2019|Harrogate Family Law|

The Yorkshire Legal Awards Finalists

For the second year running Harrogate Family Law have been shortlisted at The Yorkshire Legal Awards for “Niche Law Firm of the Year” and, for the first time, our Managing Director, Andrew Meehan has been shortlisted for “Managing Partner of the Year”. The awards themselves take place in October this year. …

2019-07-18T14:44:12+01:00July 18th, 2019|Harrogate Family Law|

Divorcing a narcissist

Being married to a narcissist is merry-go-round of manipulation and double standards, so what is divorcing one like?  Arguably the same, if not worse than the marriage, initially at least.   However, with the right support by your side, you can come out of the other side feeling empowered and positive about the future. ...

2020-02-28T11:13:05+00:00July 12th, 2019|Divorce, Divorce and money, Domestic abuse|

Protecting yourself when you separate

There are times when the reason for a divorce is because someone has been abusive in the marriage. Domestic abuse is defined as a pattern of physical or sexual violence or controlling behaviour in a relationship. It may involve physical, emotional, psychological, financial or sexual abuse and can include violent behaviour or subtle control that ...

2019-07-08T11:49:32+01:00July 8th, 2019|Divorce, Domestic abuse|
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