Can My Ex Move Away With the Children?
What happens when your ex wants to move away with the children – perhaps also with a new partner – and you object? …
What happens when your ex wants to move away with the children – perhaps also with a new partner – and you object? …
Following on from last week’s blog, read on to find out more about how to take back control when you are separating. …
Gaslighting is a term that has been in the news quite a bit recently but what is it, how can you recognise it and is it dangerous to you and your relationship? …
1. Time: the greatest healer? You may find yourself in shock. This may be a position you never thought you would end up in. You probably have no idea what to do. It sounds like a cliché, but time really is a great healer. It is also important to make some time for you. Do ...
Dating after divorce is both a daunting and exciting prospect. Chances are you have been out of the dating game for a while and it has changed! In a world of online dating, dating apps and social media it may seem like no one has “chance encounters” anymore and establishing yourself in this new world ...
If you have been married to, and divorced a narcissist, you will be more than aware of their personality traits and the impact that has had on you. But now you have removed yourself from that situation, how to you learn how to co-parent with them? Is it even possible to co-parent with them? In ...
The fact that we’re all living longer is thought to be one of the factors behind a surprising rise in the number of marriages amongst those aged 65 and over – and a higher number of people are divorcing later in life. …
Divorce or separation is difficult for everyone involved. For adults, aside from the emotional aspect, there are practicalities such as money, housing and of course the impact on their children. …
It is natural to be worried about where your children will live and how much time they are going to spend with you after divorce or separation. Children living part-time with each parent, known a shared parenting arrangement, is becoming more common although this isn’t always practical. …
Being married to a narcissist is merry-go-round of manipulation and double standards, so what is divorcing one like? Arguably the same, if not worse than the marriage, initially at least. However, with the right support by your side, you can come out of the other side feeling empowered and positive about the future. ...